Δευτέρα 5 Αυγούστου 2013

ANTARSYA: warmest greetings to the 51th International Antiwar Assembly

 ΑΝΤΑΡΣΥΑ - antarsya.gr    Dear comrades
The Anticapitalist Left Cooperation for the Overthrow (ANTARSYA), address our warmest greetings to the 51th International Antiwar Assembly along with a solidarity message to the Japanese working class and people against the reactionary politics of Abbe government, against nationalism and militarism. Against the nightmare of the nuclear weapons that the disasters of the atomic bomb in HirosHima and Nagasaki in August of 1945 always remind us...
as well as against the ,threat of the so called “ peacefull” use of the nuclear energy as Fucushima proves that this is a tragic illusion that only enforces capital specularity. Against  the danger of a war in the area caused by the imperialist antagonism  and continious armaments of the USA, Japan, China and Russia.
Five years now, we are confronted with a deep structural crisis of contemporary capitalism with tragic consequenses for the working class and people all over the world. So the question rises: is the answer of the capital in order to overcome its crisis will bring a new era of brutality? Or the struggle to overthrow the policy of capital will bring wealth and power to the working people, showing a new era of civil rights, social liberation, openin the road towards the socialist change and the communist perspective in the 21rst century.
Capital answers by overexploiting the working class. Creating a massive unemployment, privitizing the public sector and infrastructures, the natural wealth and the environment. The democratic rights are being violated, as well as freedom of the people, while fasism, rasism, nationalism, religious fontamentalism are being used in order to divide, supress, provoke war.
Critical is the role of the imperialistic centers with leading the role of the US-EE-NATO as well as the orgqanizations as IMF, WB, WTO, G20 etc.
However, the capitalist crisis grows and according to every new element, developed  imperialist centers are once more in  depression, affirming that this is a superior and deeper structural crisis of the capitalist system itsself. The problem is capitalism and not its aministration.
In Greece the working people confront Samaras government which is supported by the parties of New Democracy (cosnervative) and PASOK (socialdemocrats), which since 2010 apply with the EE and the IMF  the reactionary policy of three succesive memorandums, and in order to pay the dept, destroy the whole society, while the dept itself as well as the proffits of greek and international capital and banks boost.
The workers’ and popular struggles have delayed the implementation of the EE-IMF and the government’s policy, and  they have created great difficulties for the materialization of the attack The fact that these struggles failed to cause qualitative ruptures, is due to many reasons; While shaken, the hegemony of bourgeois politics and of the trade union bureaucracy over labor and popular movements remains in place in conjunction with the strategic and political failure of the reformist Left, namely SYRIZA and KKE. This stresses the need for an anti-capitalist and revolutionary perspective, a strategic reestablishment of the Left and a class reconstruction of the labor and popular movements to overthrow the attack.
The main axes of struggle of the anticapitalist programme of  ANTARSYA are:
The overthrow of ND-PASOK coalition government, debt cancellation with immediate cessation of payments to creditors, the nationalization of banks and large businesses, including those that are closing down and firing workers, with worker-popular control and without compensation for losses, the exit from the Euro and the EU, the overthrow of the undemocratic politics of violence, repression, and state of emergency through democratic gains to the benefit of workers and the people, the radical redistribution of weaqlth, the protection of the environment, the broadening of civil rights and democratic freedoms.
In these tough but fruitful times we keep walking having the confidence that people will finally win with international solidarity and the hope that the rebellions in Turkey, Braqzil, Egypt, Portugal, Spain, Japan, have born. In these strugles, new ideas are born in order to overthrow the old and tired capitalism. We send you our warmest greetings for your assembly that constitutes a vital contribution to the antiwar struggle of people and a crucial attempt to create a world with no exploitation; the world of the socialist attempt and the communist perspective.
The 21st century will be the century of people!
Solidarity is the weapon of people, war against the war of imperialists!
Capitalism is not our future, revolution and communism is!

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